Local - (434) 946-5161
Toll Free - (888) 249-1524

Our Attorneys

Shrader & Goad of Amherst, Virginia was founded by J. Thompson (Tom) Shrader in 1982.  Our attorneys provide legal counsel and trial advocacy in matters including criminal charges, traffic offenses, family law matters, divorce and separation, personal injury and workplace injury, business and commercial advisement, estate planning, estate administration and elder law, and real estate law within the Greater Lynchburg area.

We understand your problems because we live, work and volunteer here. Our children attend local schools. All of our attorneys and staff are from Amherst County or surrounding counties. We’re all Central Virginians.

Shrader & Goad, in Amherst, serves clients throughout Central Virginia. Contact us today to learn more about our legal services. You may reach a lawyer by calling our office at 434-509-0226888-497-1184 toll free.

Our Staff

Lynn E. Mays

Lynn E. Mays

Stacie A. Clark

Stacie A. Clark

Need an Attorney that You Can Trust?

Look No Further than Shrader & Goad

Shrader and Goad Law Offices logo

Contact Us

Local - (434) 946-5161
Toll Free - (888) 497-1184

Fax: (434) 946-0107

Visit Us

Mailing Address
Post Office Box 428
Amherst, VA 24521

Physical Address
330 South Main Street
Amherst, VA 24521

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